Heavily detailed full facial analysis + looksmaxxing advice (20 measurements)
Blackpilled Looksmaxxer
This includes
- An objective rating on a percentile distribution of attractiveness (example: 5.5 - top 33% in looks, 1 in 3 people)
- 20 measurements analyzed with a detailed explanation of each measurement and how it influences your attractiveness
- List of your best and worst features with explanation
- Personalized looksmaxxing advice
Pictures you need to submit for an accurate rating. You can send more at a variety of angles if you want but you need at least these 3 pictures included
1. Frontal profile (no filters, neutral expression, facing directly at the camera, forehead fully visible)
2. 3/4 profile
3. Side profile (full side profile is visible, ear fully visible, not at a bad angle for more accurate measurements)
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